Founder's Message
"Survivors live with extreme challenges which require expertise and understanding," explains Todd NIenhouse, Agevix founder. "A new life living with deficits will challenge both the survivor and their family. Our Agevix goal is to provide tools for the survivors and families to improve overall well-being in their lives. My first experience working closely with a survivor of a brain injury was in 2003. My client, a decision-making husband, father, athlete and provider, had been injured in the prime of his life which forced his constant care as a result of his brain injury and physical condition. For the rest of his life, he'll never be without someone to aid him with everyday practices.
It's humbling for our Agevix services to provide a necessary component of this man's recovery, health and lifestyle comfort. Through his physical progress and maintained capabilities, those associated with Agevix services help him ambulate more safely at home and around the community. This provides his family with peace of mind and confidence in his safety, and he's proud to help his family in this manner.
His story is unique, yet it is much like the lives of many injured and their families with whom we work as part of the Agevix Professional Network. Our communication and action will:
- Enhance specific rehabilitation programs
- Target specific deficits for improvement
- Build client self-confidence and self-esteem
- Promote client community, and
- Provide on-going preventative care.
These are necessary and achieved goals held by the qualified, compassionate members of our Agevix Professional Network. It's personally rewarding, however the true achievements are held by those injured and their families that we serve."
Contact Todd Nienhouse, Founder, Agevix Professional Network
ph 231-590-3830
What Inspires You?
"My daughters and clients inspire me. I'm a grateful man." Todd Nienhouse, Agevix Founder
A Glimpse of Summers
Top: While a student at University of Michigan, daughter Olivia earned qualifications to work alongside her dad during summers in Traverse City.
Middle: Eva, now a Michigan State University graduate, with her dad on their church youth mission trip.